Innovative Products

Sales flexibility and technology

Slattery Auctions
For Slattery Auctions & Valuations the answer was simple: make it easier for buyers and sellers to buy and sell earthmoving equipment.

A great auction house plays the role of the perfect middle-man, connecting buyers and sellers of second hand equipment so that both benefit from the result. Slattery Auctions is committed to constant, iterative improvement of this interplay between buyer and seller, focusing their efforts marrying two key areas – sales flexibility and technology.

Slattery’s have always remained nimble enough to formulate a bespoke sales process that best complements the types of earthmoving assets going under the hammer.

These are often used in combination to produce the best results and are underpinned by the technology now available in the online space to break geographic boundaries and limitations.


Slattery Auctions


A hybrid auction leveraging the competitive nature of the auction process with an auctioneer managing proceedings. Online bidding is available through a proprietary owned simulcast platform, which streams live audio over the internet in tandem with a visual display of asset details, photos and current bid information in real time.

Slattery’s conduct monthly earthmoving equipment room auctions at four locations nationwide – Newcastle (NSW), Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth. These auction events are keenly anticipated now and there is good supply and interest across all earthmoving asset classes.


An appropriate solution for the liquidation of an entire business or going concern, when transportation of assets is not possible or their current location is preferable for the market.

This solution essentially sees Slattery’s taking their auction house “on the road”, which can be a great benefit to both buyers and sellers of earthmoving equipment.

A recent hugely successful onsite auction in Mt Gambier is a great example of how this option can work. The Slattery Auctions’ Melbourne office ran an onsite auction after a well-known local contractor had been placed into administration. More than 450 people turned up in person or online to bid on over 240 pieces of equipment offered to the market in one auction, with buyers coming as far and wide as Victoria, NSW and Queensland.

Slattery Auctions, a family company run by three brothers, understood how a liquidation of this size could impact a region and made the decision to host the auction onsite in Mount Gambier, rather than transport the assets to a capital city. “It was an easy choice to recommend an onsite sale in Mt Gambier. It’s tough times out there so when we have an auction of this size and quality, one that will attract a national audience, we try to bring visitors in to that location to give a little something back. They (the buyers) should stay in the hotels, hire cars, buy lunch, dinner and breakfasts etc. It’s not a lot but it all helps,” said Director James Slattery.


Slattery Auctions

Suitable for high value assets in remote locations that are too costly to transport or unlikely to have large numbers of buyers travel for an onsite auction.


Occasionally used when the vendor has no time pressure to sell. Also used successfully in the sale of high value specialist equipment, where motivated buyers are few and will need to be engaged directly.


The EOI or Tender process is a formal, structured process inviting interested parties to submit bids according to a predetermined set of rules. Suitable for highly specialised equipment, which may not have a large number of buyers at any one time.

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