DD&T 2023, Diesel Dirt & Turf

Plan now for the 2023 Diesel Dirt & Turf Expo


Infrastructure projects in Australia continue to push ahead, with no sign of slowing down in the near future. Even some of the supply chain issues are beginning to ease, indicating that the time is ripe to review your equipment and prepare to meet the approaching needs of the market.

Planning is now well under way for the 2023 National Diesel Dirt & Turf Expo, which is being held for the third time at the Sydney Dragway, Eastern Creek NSW. This premium venue has proved to be a winner with exhibitors and visitors alike, thanks to the great layout, easy navigation to find exhibitors, expansive car parking facilities and other aspects that make for a productive visit.

Expo manager Marti Zivkovich said, “There are many reasons why exhibitors return year after year to participate in Diesel Dirt & Turf. Industry leading brands have embraced the Expo and recognise the value of this wonderful opportunity for face-to-face customer engagement.


“There is real enthusiasm shown by so many exhibitors who look forward to participating each year and always renew their site bookings very quickly to ensure they don’t miss out on this integral part of their sales and marketing activity.

“We are particularly thankful to Komatsu for once again taking on gold sponsorship of this leading industry event. Again, we welcome the gold media sponsorship by Earthmovers & Excavators magazine. Associate sponsorships are a great way to increase your visibility, so if you would like to join our associate sponsors Norm Engineering and Earthmoving Equipment Magazine, contact us now. The Pickles auction has become a key drawcard of Diesel Dirt & Turf. Many visitors will come ready to spend on some of the great deals that Pickles will be offering at the Saturday equipment auction.

“If your business is in site preparation, excavation, installation of public works services, road maintenance or construction, public space management, turf care, specialised vehicles, site services, specialised tools and attachments or associated finance and services, you will benefit from exhibiting. Sites are now selling, so now is the time to commit,” Marti said.

Note the dates: Diesel Dirt & Turf Expo, Ferrers Road, Eastern Creek, New South Wales on Friday 21st, Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd April, 2023.

To enquire or book to secure your exhibitor site contact the Expo Manager, Marti on 0411 648 465 or apply online at www.dieseldirtandturf.com.au

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