Industry Training

Own your Outcomes, Preparing for Training!

After all the niceties at the start of one of my training sessions – such as toilet location, what we’re learning, introductions, break times – I always finish that part of the session with “own your outcomes”.

Say what? Let me talk about that a little later…

For most people, rolling up to a training event might be perceived as a bit of a bludge session. You get to sit back, take in (or not) what’s being taught, and maybe even be passive throughout the process.

The fact is training costs money. The cost of the facilitator, the cost of the machine not being in service, lost production (money) and your time (more money).

So, why do I always finish my opening to a training session with “own your outcomes”? It’s to help you understand that I don’t want you leaving one of my training sessions thinking, I should have asked this question or that question. I want you asking questions because I can’t read minds. I need you to be active in what I’m teaching.

Five Tips For Attending A Training Event

  • Arrive well-rested

Don’t be one of those people who rocks up to a training event hungover like a dog, tired from a big night of online gaming or fatigued from editing the world’s best Tik Tok vid, whose slowly falling asleep partway through the introduction slides.

Show up well-rested, hydrated and keen to get something out of the day.

  • Participate in the event

Trust me on this, the facilitator benefits from your participation just as much as you do. War stories are a great way to help drive learning outcomes because it can contextualise what’s being discussed. If you have something that’s relevant to what’s being taught, when it’s appropriate, bring it up.

  • Respect other people in the room

We’ve all been in a training event where one participant’s voice dominates the room. You know the type, the one that cuts everyone down, their way is the only way etc. Don’t be that person. It hinders less confident people in the room from “owning their outcomes” and prevents them from asking questions or participating in the event. Have the view that everyone is at a different stage of their journey and what you may think is a stupid question, isn’t to them.

  • Ask ‘that’ question

Piggy backing off the last point, ask the question, ask the question, ask the question! There is no such thing as a stupid question because who knows when you’ll get the opportunity with another trainer with that particular skillset.

Another reason you need to ask ‘that’ question is because other people in the room could benefit from the answer (which I’ve experienced on numerous occasions).

  • Take your learnings back to your workplace

Pretty obvious, I know, but sometimes it doesn’t happen. I’m suggesting that you not only apply what you have learnt back at your work site, but also pass on to your work mates who might not have been present at the training event.

This is essential to not only the training that you’ve just attended but it can be also critical to any future training that your company could be contemplating placing you and your colleagues on.

Employers want to see bang for their training buck. If you do your bit and apply the training and share that knowledge, that’ll go a long way to helping your employer see and experience the massive benefits from quality training.

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