Komatsu launches world’s first Intelligent Machine Control excavator
Komatsu Australia has released the PC210LCi-10, the world’s first Intelligent Machine Control (iMC) excavator, which features a revolutionary and fully factory-integrated 3D GNSS machine control and guidance system.
With an operating weight of 23.3 tonnes, the PC210LCi-10 is powered by a Komatsu SAA6D107E-2 diesel engine – complying with US EPA Interim Tier 4 emissions requirements – rated at 123 kW.
Komatsu’s exclusive iMC concept is designed to let operators focus on moving material efficiently, without having to worry about digging too deep or damaging the target surface – and can result in more than a 60% improvement in work efficiency when compared with conventional construction processes.
According to Komatsu’s Aaron Marsh – National Technology Solution Expert Manager, the PC210LCi-10 represents the industry’s first move from conventional excavator machine “guidance” systems – which require the operator to dig according to an in-cab indicate system – to actual machine control automation.
“With conventional excavator guidance systems, the final finish quality depends entirely on the skill of the operator,” said Marsh.
“One of the biggest problems customers have had with these systems is speed and accuracy from sensor lag and 100% operator inputs, so operators have had to constantly monitor the system to check they are on design, while also having grade checkers regularly confirming design surface accuracy.
“But with machine automation, Komatsu’s iMC excavator enables operators to achieve optimum speed to final grade accuracy with minimal operator inputs, while eliminating the need for manual grade checking.”
From bulk excavation to finish grading, the PC210LCi-10 excavator has been designed to drastically improve efficiency and precision on work sites.
The new excavator’s iMC system, which shares similarities with Komatsu’s recently launched intelligent dozer line, offers real-time bucket edge positioning in relation to the machine and 3D design surface.
Key iMC components – all factory installed and fully integrated into the machine – include:
- Built-in stroke sensing hydraulic cylinders on the boom, arm and bucket, providing real-time bucket position data sent to the in-cab control box, and tracking the location of the cutting edge of the bucket relative to the body of the machine and target surface
- An enhanced Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU+), located inside the machine, to detect machine pitch and roll
- A 12.1-inch machine control box inside the cab with easy to use touchscreen functions; working from 3D project design files, it simultaneously displays such information as magnified grading view, 3D view, current as-built status, and the like
- Two GNSS antennas, positioned on easily accessed handrails behind the cab, plus a GNSS UHF digital II receiver located inside the machine.
“Due to factory integration of our intelligent machine control components the only obvious sign that Komatsu intelligent excavators are different from a standard machine are the antennas and in-cab control box,” said Marsh.
“All other components are internal, and highly secure from damage, vandalism and theft.”
As the PC210LCi-10’s bucket edge approaches the target surface profile, the system’s machine control capabilities come into play. These include:
- Auto grade assist, using the boom to adjust bucket height automatically as the arm moves, allowing the bucket edge to trace the target surface and minimise over-excavation
- Auto stop control, which stops the machine during boom, arm or bucket operation once the bucket edge reaches the target surface, again limiting over-excavating
- Minimum distance control, which controls the bucket by automatically selecting the point on the bucket closest to the target surface, so even if the machine is not facing a sloped surface at a right angle, it will still follow the target surface
“Our new iMC excavator truly represents the next generation in construction equipment technology,” said Marsh.
“It brings the full benefits of the machine guidance revolution we’ve seen over the past 10-15 years on excavators. “For the first time we now see the next step in machine control evolution moving from machine guidance to automation – a massive step forward for what is the key piece of earthmoving equipment on any worksite.
“It delivers not only improved work accuracy, but also improved construction efficiency, making every pass count.
“Jobs such as staking, survey and even final inspection, which are usually completed manually, can be significantly reduced by utilising the 3D design data held within the machine,” Marsh said.
“Studies by Komatsu have shown the iMC excavator achieves up to a 63% reduction in construction time compared with conventional staking/construction/inspection processes, and far greater accuracy in finished surface levels.
“It also eliminates constant redo work, ultimately reducing project costs,” he said.
In addition to its iMC capabilities, the PC210LCi-10 incorporates a number of other cost-saving and efficiency-enhancing features. These include:
- Komatsu SAA6D107E-2 engine, complying with US EPA Interim Tier 4 /EU Stage 3B emissions requirements, providing exceptional performance while reducing fuel consumption. Exhaust gas particulate matter (PM) reduced by more than 90% and nitrogen oxides (NOx) by more than 45% when compared with Tier 3 levels
- New technology control system to better match engine output to hydraulic pump requirements, resulting in up to 10% lower fuel consumption
- Six working modes including Attachment Economy and Power mode
- Enhanced KOMTRAX remote monitoring system
Key specs of the PC210LCi-10 are as follows:
Operating weight, 23.3 tonnes; engine SAA6D107E-2 rated at 123 kW; hydraulics, HydrauMind closed-centre load sensing system with variable displacement piston pumps, maximum pressure 380 bar, maximum flow 475 lit/min; bucket capacity range, 0.39-1.1 cu m; maximum dig depth, 6620 mm; maximum vertical wall dig depth, 5980 mm; maximum dig depth for 2440 mm level bottom, 6370 mm; bucket breakout, 13,500 kgf; arm breakout, 10,500 kgf.
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