Avoid dangerous and costly utility strikes with RodRadar Australia’s new Live Dig Radar.
RodRadar Australia is delighted to introduce the all-new, revolutionary Live Dig Radar (LDR) Excavate.
Fully integrated into an excavator bucket, the LDR Excavate brings RodRadar’s unique high-resolution ground-penetrating radar (GPR) imaging into the operator’s cabin during excavation and earthworks projects.
Available in three size configurations, the RodRadar LDR Excavate is compatible with most makes and models of excavator sized one to 18 tonnes.
The only solution of its kind worldwide, the Live Dig Radar provides real-time, precision data on the location of underground utility infrastructure, automatically and directly alerting the excavator’s operator with simple-to-understand notifications.
The technology, although complex in scientific design, is simple to use – connect the LDR-integrated bucket to a compatible excavator, link the bucket to the supplied tablet mounted inside the operator cabin, then make sequential excavations into the earth to scan the ground below. As the bucket digs and makes contact with the ground, the built-in radar technology delivers highly accurate, real-time, easy-to-understand data to the tablet regarding underground utility locations and depths.
The aim: holistic prevention of costly and unsafe utility damage, and exceptional improvement of project efficiency and productivity.
Each year, underground infrastructure damage costs the global construction industry more than AUD$150 billion – including billions invested in less effective alleviation methods – with utility strikes during excavation causing dozens of deaths and hundreds of injuries. RodRadar Australia’s innovative Live Dig Radar is a dramatic improvement over current widespread excavation technologies and processes, overcoming their inherent limitations.
During February, RodRadar Australia partnered with distributors ASV Sales & Service and STM Trucks & Machinery to conduct preliminary LDR Excavator Demonstration Days in Sydney and Newcastle. As part of each demonstration, utility services were buried underground in various earth compositions, and attendees were invited to find and unearth the utilities using the Live Dig Radar in-situ.
With more than 50 industry representatives in attendance – hailing from fields including construction, risk assessment, workplace health and safety, utility management, and government – the LDR technology was met with extensive positive feedback.
“The accuracy of the radar was spot on,” said one government agency representative in attendance, who requested to remain anonymous. “The LDR would work well in our operations and is exceptional new technology.”
In addition, Michael Owen from major construction body RTC Group, said that the LDR “would be very helpful for safety, and also a time saving device – and also looks to be easy to use.”
Furthermore, RodRadar’s Live Dig Radar is garnering exceptional acclaim on the global stage. Florida-based Haskell – a pioneering architecture, engineering, and construction firm – has become the first contractor in the United States to deploy the technology.
“RodRadar’s Live Dig Radar technology is a game changer,” said Cutler Knupp, Managing Director of Haskell’s innovation and venture capital arm, Dysruptek. “We’ve validated that the solution does exactly what it says it does. The accuracy has been impeccable, and it’s already helping Haskell to identify subsurface conditions that we were not aware of before.”
Speaking of the Live Dig Radar’s capability to enhance the safety, cost-reduction, and efficiency of earthworks, Knupp said: “This problem plagues the entire industry across the globe. We finally have an opportunity to completely eliminate strikes – this is very exciting.
“We’re pushing toward a future when LDR buckets will be available at your local equipment distributor and on every project site as a new standard.”
RodRadar Australia will roll out the new LDR Excavate nationwide throughout 2023. For further information regarding the product, demonstration opportunities, and stock availability, visit: www.rodradar.com.au