Australia is no stranger to extreme weather events and many have faced the harsh reality of losing their homes, businesses, equipment, and vehicles when a catastrophe strikes.
From floods to fires, drought to cyclones and hail storms, weather events can pose a big risk, however, there is cover available. NTI’s Mobile Plant and Equipment Risk Engineer, Hayden Reed shares his tips for keeping your equipment and machinery safe from Mother Nature.
“Having a weather mitigation plan in place, such as a flood mitigation plan, is one of the primary steps you should take in protecting your gear. This could include identifying flood or bushfire prone areas, setting of high water lines, hard stand availability, evacuation plans, and in some cases construction of protective levees,” says Hayden.
“Depending on the operation, the emergency plan should cover the specifics – when, what, where, how etc.
“For example, slower moving machines may take some time to get to safe ground.”
During big events another important aspect of weather mitigation is having adequate shelter for your equipment. Make sure it can’t get wet, washed away or damaged by wind, flying objects or hail.
“You should also take into consideration the landscape, is there a possibility that waterways or tidal surges could isolate your equipment making it impossible to move?”
Another simple way to protect your valuable assets is to secure everything appropriately, make sure job sites are locked and the equipment is lashed down or protected.
“Prevention is the best cure, so secure your gear, make a plan and ensure all personnel are aware of the risks and the mitigation and contingency plans,” adds Hayden.
Insurance coverage is highly recommended as machinery doesn’t come cheap.
“Keep your insurance coverage current and know what is and isn’t covered.
“Yellow Cover is a comprehensive insurance policy specifically designed for machinery and mobile plant so in the case of any damage or loss, our expert repair managers and claims team can process the claim or manage the repair as quickly as possible,” notes Hayden.
If you’re looking to add an extra layer of protection to your gear or have any questions regarding weather event and coverage, contact the team on 1800 684 669.