Marketing & PR

Finding The Story

There’s a saying that content producers love to share, and that is everyone has a story. When you’re talking about individual human beings, that’s fairly easy to believe.

But what about when you’re talking about businesses? Some of them are just not that interesting, right? How do you make good content – great stories – about dry topics?

The answer is that you do it the same way you create any other story. You ask questions. You look for the point of interest. You find the things that will resonate with audiences. You talk about the people, not just the product. There are people on both sides of every business transaction and the audiences consuming your content are people, too. People are interesting!

One of the most fascinating content pieces I have ever written was about a business that makes yellow plastic tubes.

The product, on the surface, doesn’t seem very exciting. When we went to visit the production site it was not much more than a shed on the outskirts of Perth, WA.

What made it fascinating content was the story behind the business. The founder was a true entrepreneur who was dry and funny and very clever. His team was a mixed bag of interesting personalities.

And his product was transforming an entire industry sector.

Everybody has a story and every business has a story. Give your audiences good content by finding those stories.

Here are five tips for creating inspiring content you can use:

  1. Align it with your business goals and position. Are you all about innovation? Focus on that. If you’re all about reliability, make that the heart of your stories.
  2. Talk about people. People use products and services. Tell their stories to tell yours.
  3. Make it warm. A good story is not a product brochure or a technical lecture.
  4. Include great images.
  5. Go in with an open mind. You know what the key messages are that you need to hit. Let the rest of the story reveal itself through deep conversations and real listening.

If you need help finding those good stories, get in touch with us at and we will show you how.

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