Case Study

Cat®Technology With WesTrac Support Made Our Decision Easy

CAT WesTrac

“Cat® Technology With WesTrac Support Made Our Decision Easy”

– Tadhg Kelliher, Operations Manager, Eire Constructions.

When your business is growing fast, you depend on your equipment more than ever.

That’s certainly the case for Tadhg Kelliher and Eire Constructions on NSW Mid North Coast.

“The Cat Tier 4 engine technology, plus the Cat Fuel Edge Program from WesTrac played a huge part in our decision-making,” said Operations Manager Tadhg Kelliher.

Eire Constructions is a civil construction company specialising in road and utility construction, subdivisions and land development, water, sewer and drainage infrastructure.

Eire has been providing quality and cost effective civil construction services for more than 40 years. “In recent years we have expanded our services more into subdivisions and land development, which has seen huge growth for the company and our fleet,” explained Tadhg.


With around 40 machines in the fleet, including three Cat 326F Excavators from WesTrac, Tadhg was quick to identify the reasons for choosing Cat machines.

“With any purchase we look for the most cost effective solution. Initially, we didn’t think that would be a Cat excavator – but, after working through the options from competitors we quickly saw that the new Cat Tier 4 engine along with a Fuel Edge Program from WesTrac we’d really have a chance to get ahead of the game.”

The Cat Fuel Edge Program provides customers who purchase a qualifying new Cat machine with a Tier 4 engine from WesTrac, with a parts credit if they burn more than their committed fuel consumption threshold. “Not only did we get a guarantee on fuel burn, WesTrac has helped us reduce our environmental footprint,” explained Tadhg. Another feature that stood out with the Cat machines was the fully integrated 2D system – something that other machine makes couldn’t match.


Eire Constructions runs three makes of machine in their fast growing fleet. In addition to fuel efficiency, the company was also aware that they needed support across the board when it came to service and support.

“We have other equipment in the fleet but nothing in my opinion stacks up to the technology and service offered by WesTrac,” Tadhg explained. WesTrac has provided Product Link™ technology, which enables Eire to access the location of their equipment and the operating efficiencies, regardless of where they are working.


WesTrac also offers an unrivalled 24/7 online parts ordering service. It’s this type of complete service-solution that Eire require to support their business as it grows, plus there is a state-wide network of WesTrac service technicians to ensure that, if you need help, support is never too far away.

“This time last year we had 80 employees, we now manage a great team of 120, no-nonsense guys who roll their sleeves up and get into it,” Tadhg told us with pride.

Going forward, Eire Constructions see the benefit of focusing their attention on the business of civil construction. They are working with WesTrac to develop a Customer Support Agreement, combining Eire’s 40 years of experience with WesTrac’s specialist maintenance skills and Cat equipment to help achieve a lower cost per unit of production.

“It’s all about working with our team and our service providers to provide a better outcome for our customers,” explained Tadhg Kelliher.

[colored_box color=”yellow”]For more information on WesTrac visit or call 1300 88 10 64.[/colored_box]

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